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Font Types for Title

Font Type: Georgia

(Sing Tao – 10 September 2021)


URA’s Bailey Street / Wing Kwong Street Development Project in To Kwa Wan:


Site Area: 79,700sq.ft.

Max. GFA: 717,500sq.ft.

Date of Tx: September 2021

Consideration: HK$8,189million

AV: HK$11,414/sq.ft. (Distorted)


The profit sharing to URA can be up to 50%. So, URA tender sites are usually at a lower AV compared to a site that doesn't have restriction of such.

There is unit size restriction (min. 300sf and not less than 50% of units at min. 480sf).



Font Type: Caudex

(Sing Tao – 10 September 2021)


URA’s Bailey Street / Wing Kwong Street Development Project in To Kwa Wan:


Site Area: 79,700sq.ft.

Max. GFA: 717,500sq.ft.

Date of Tx: September 2021

Consideration: HK$8,189million

AV: HK$11,414/sq.ft. (Distorted)


The profit sharing to URA can be up to 50%. So, URA tender sites are usually at a lower AV compared to a site that doesn't have restriction of such.

There is unit size restriction (min. 300sf and not less than 50% of units at min. 480sf).



Font Type: EB Garamond

(Sing Tao – 10 September 2021)


URA’s Bailey Street / Wing Kwong Street Development Project in To Kwa Wan:


Site Area: 79,700sq.ft.

Max. GFA: 717,500sq.ft.

Date of Tx: September 2021

Consideration: HK$8,189million

AV: HK$11,414/sq.ft. (Distorted)


The profit sharing to URA can be up to 50%. So, URA tender sites are usually at a lower AV compared to a site that doesn't have restriction of such.

There is unit size restriction (min. 300sf and not less than 50% of units at min. 480sf).



Font Type: Trirong

(Sing Tao – 10 September 2021)


URA’s Bailey Street / Wing Kwong Street Development Project in To Kwa Wan:


Site Area: 79,700sq.ft.

Max. GFA: 717,500sq.ft.

Date of Tx: September 2021

Consideration: HK$8,189million

AV: HK$11,414/sq.ft. (Distorted)


The profit sharing to URA can be up to 50%. So, URA tender sites are usually at a lower AV compared to a site that doesn't have restriction of such.

There is unit size restriction (min. 300sf and not less than 50% of units at min. 480sf).



Font Type: Forum

(Sing Tao – 10 September 2021)


URA’s Bailey Street / Wing Kwong Street Development Project in To Kwa Wan:


Site Area: 79,700sq.ft.

Max. GFA: 717,500sq.ft.

Date of Tx: September 2021

Consideration: HK$8,189million

AV: HK$11,414/sq.ft. (Distorted)


The profit sharing to URA can be up to 50%. So, URA tender sites are usually at a lower AV compared to a site that doesn't have restriction of such.

There is unit size restriction (min. 300sf and not less than 50% of units at min. 480sf).



Font Type: Palatino Linotype

(Sing Tao – 10 September 2021)


URA’s Bailey Street / Wing Kwong Street Development Project in To Kwa Wan:


Site Area: 79,700sq.ft.

Max. GFA: 717,500sq.ft.

Date of Tx: September 2021

Consideration: HK$8,189million

AV: HK$11,414/sq.ft. (Distorted)


The profit sharing to URA can be up to 50%. So, URA tender sites are usually at a lower AV compared to a site that doesn't have restriction of such.

There is unit size restriction (min. 300sf and not less than 50% of units at min. 480sf).



Font Types for Content

Font Type: Helvetica Light

(Sing Tao – 10 September 2021)


URA’s Bailey Street / Wing Kwong Street Development Project in To Kwa Wan:


Site Area: 79,700sq.ft.

Max. GFA: 717,500sq.ft.

Date of Tx: September 2021

Consideration: HK$8,189million

AV: HK$11,414/sq.ft. (Distorted)


The profit sharing to URA can be up to 50%. So, URA tender sites are usually at a lower AV compared to a site that doesn't have restriction of such.

There is unit size restriction (min. 300sf and not less than 50% of units at min. 480sf).



Font Type:Barlow Extra Light

(Sing Tao – 10 September 2021)


URA’s Bailey Street / Wing Kwong Street Development Project in To Kwa Wan:


Site Area: 79,700sq.ft.

Max. GFA: 717,500sq.ft.

Date of Tx: September 2021

Consideration: HK$8,189million

AV: HK$11,414/sq.ft. (Distorted)


The profit sharing to URA can be up to 50%. So, URA tender sites are usually at a lower AV compared to a site that doesn't have restriction of such.

There is unit size restriction (min. 300sf and not less than 50% of units at min. 480sf).



Font Type: DIN Next Light

(Sing Tao – 10 September 2021)


URA’s Bailey Street / Wing Kwong Street Development Project in To Kwa Wan:


Site Area: 79,700sq.ft.

Max. GFA: 717,500sq.ft.

Date of Tx: September 2021

Consideration: HK$8,189million

AV: HK$11,414/sq.ft. (Distorted)


The profit sharing to URA can be up to 50%. So, URA tender sites are usually at a lower AV compared to a site that doesn't have restriction of such.

There is unit size restriction (min. 300sf and not less than 50% of units at min. 480sf).



Font Type:Lato Light

(Sing Tao – 10 September 2021)


URA’s Bailey Street / Wing Kwong Street Development Project in To Kwa Wan:


Site Area: 79,700sq.ft.

Max. GFA: 717,500sq.ft.

Date of Tx: September 2021

Consideration: HK$8,189million

AV: HK$11,414/sq.ft. (Distorted)


The profit sharing to URA can be up to 50%. So, URA tender sites are usually at a lower AV compared to a site that doesn't have restriction of such.

There is unit size restriction (min. 300sf and not less than 50% of units at min. 480sf).



Font Type: Avenir Light

(Sing Tao – 10 September 2021)


URA’s Bailey Street / Wing Kwong Street Development Project in To Kwa Wan:


Site Area: 79,700sq.ft.

Max. GFA: 717,500sq.ft.

Date of Tx: September 2021

Consideration: HK$8,189million

AV: HK$11,414/sq.ft. (Distorted)


The profit sharing to URA can be up to 50%. So, URA tender sites are usually at a lower AV compared to a site that doesn't have restriction of such.

There is unit size restriction (min. 300sf and not less than 50% of units at min. 480sf).



Font Type:Open Sans

(Sing Tao – 10 September 2021)


URA’s Bailey Street / Wing Kwong Street Development Project in To Kwa Wan:


Site Area: 79,700sq.ft.

Max. GFA: 717,500sq.ft.

Date of Tx: September 2021

Consideration: HK$8,189million

AV: HK$11,414/sq.ft. (Distorted)


The profit sharing to URA can be up to 50%. So, URA tender sites are usually at a lower AV compared to a site that doesn't have restriction of such.

There is unit size restriction (min. 300sf and not less than 50% of units at min. 480sf).



Font Type:Poppins Extra Light

(Sing Tao – 10 September 2021)


URA’s Bailey Street / Wing Kwong Street Development Project in To Kwa Wan:


Site Area: 79,700sq.ft.

Max. GFA: 717,500sq.ft.

Date of Tx: September 2021

Consideration: HK$8,189million

AV: HK$11,414/sq.ft. (Distorted)


The profit sharing to URA can be up to 50%. So, URA tender sites are usually at a lower AV compared to a site that doesn't have restriction of such.

There is unit size restriction (min. 300sf and not less than 50% of units at min. 480sf).



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